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Wednesday 11 January 2017

AND THEN . . .

In his brilliant essay “The Simple Art of Murder” Raymond Chandler, the great 1930s detective novelist, recounted his early days when writing stories for periodicals under considerable stress because of deadlines. Obviously, when thinking up plot developments, you would get stuck from time to time. But, he said, he and other hacks worked out a solution for this: “When in doubt have a man come through a door with a gun in his hand.”

I was thinking of this the other day as I was meditating after my morning prayers, and something occurred to me. When you are contemplating a human situation, whether private or public, whether social or political, try mentally adding the line “And then Christ walked in.” The result is quite fascinating. It is, of course, related to the old “WWJD” (What Would Jesus Do?) that some people tattoo on their fingers; but it has the merit of looking at a scene as a scene, i.e. dramatically, like a story or a play or film, and drawing you into the role of a screenwriter challenged to continue the plot from this new happening.
Example 1: “The Senate confirmation hearing for the putative new Attorney General was proceeding on the whole peacefully, though not without a few difficult moments. And then Christ walked in. . . . . . . . . . . .”
Example 2: “We were being extremely tactful in our conversation at Thanksgiving dinner, until Uncle Gavin started bringing up politics. ‘No, please, Gavin,’ Jane pleaded, ‘not this year!’  And then Christ walked in. . . . . . . . . . . “
Example 3: “In a French bistro frequented by North African construction workers, a couple of cheerfully-dressed women came and sat down. Some unfortunate remarks were made. And then Christ walked in. . . . . . . . . . . .
Example 4: “ My friend Jill was teaching a sophomore class on Shakespeare, and a discussion developed on the question whether a queer production of Hamlet would be accurate, provocative or both.  And then Christ walked in. . . . . . . . . . .”
Example 5: “Pope Francis was with his advisory group of cardinals, pondering what if anything to do about the Middle East. And then Christ walked in. . . . . . . . . . .
I’m sure you can think of more interesting situations, whether applied to yourself or involving parts of the world you’re interested in. You could even make it a (serious) game with a few friends . . . . . . . . .